This looks like a lot of fun. My suggestions to make it stallier (which I agree would be beneficial) are -1 vamp, -2 LS, +2 drain life, +1 dusk mantle. I don't think you need all four LS because they're only going to heal you in situations where you've already buffed your devs and you can't (or don't need to) maintain SoP, which probably means that (in most cases) you're either losing or have already won. The -1 vamp, also, only drops your healing when you're not actively maintaining SoP, and (with luck) you'd have some buffed vampires and/or LS'd devourers by the time that happens. The drain lifes can operate as CC in the interim times where you want to deal with some threats without having to pop your SoP just to mitigate their damage with healing (which is your only current option). Dusk mantle just because hax shield is hax, and on average it should roughly double the amount of time you can soak up SoP buffs before you have to pop the SoP for healing.
edit: If you want to cram a third LS, third DL, or fifth vamp back in the deck, in my experience 3 SoP is enough most of the time, but four is really quite nice. Just an extra thought.
Your thoughts sound very reasonable, I'll try them right now. Thanks a lot!

I'll edit this post after some test games, just in case you want to know how it does now.
Edit: It did as you predicted. I didn't need that many Liquid Shadow because DL overtook the CC part of it so the other could be used on Devourers.
Not too sure yet about the dusk mantle since I got steals and playing against AI3 or AI4 there always is a nice shield to borrow

However, I can imagine that it's much more useful when played in PvP1 but I got little experience in that section.
The only thing still bothering me a little is the inconsistency in opening hand. Sometimes only one pillar draw, meaning I have to wait 2 turns
to play a devourer. Other times no SoP or no Devourer and so on. But that's just RNG, I guess. In nearly all games you get the quanta going and
you got a SoP to play and therefore, by the time you remove it, you will either have drawn and boosted a vampire or you will be able to LS a devourer.
For some reason, I expected Phoenixes.
Haha, didn't think of them xD But a deck with Minor Phoenix and SoP sounds great

Maybe you can think of something? (I'd suggest you to do so before I do
