I'm debating becoming more active on elements again, but the key factor will probably be if playing the game was fun. Last time around, the culmination of my deckbuilding was the trials winning deck, which was the best balance of healing, mana ramping, creature spamming, and creature buffing I've ever found in the game. But it had a few key problems.
1) It was incredibly weak to CC. Almost any kind of CC, early enough, shut it down.
2) It could easily get outstalled, as one shield prevented the vast majority of it's damage.
I'm looking for that same exponential feel, but for it to scale better into the late game.
Two perfect examples of this are FFQ and vulture. They're both multi-proccing damage ramp, each has easy to get mana ramp (photosynthesis or SC), and defense (EB or bonewall). However good the combo is, it still only scales linearly.
The deck I want would be circular in playstyle. Effect is cause, plus some. Everything you do lets you do it again, but moreso the next time.
Anyone go any ideas for a deck like this?