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Loadquo's deck ideas (Semi-Permalink)
« on: October 20, 2011, 12:26:26 pm »
I'll post my deck ideas here. If they ever become more polished I'll give them separate threads.

Fun fractal Schrödinger's cat and dragon deck trio [ Aether][death][entropy] Actually called kitty tal. I might take it in a more rounded direction (lobo and BE)
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
6ua 6ua 6ua 6ua 6ua 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 711 711 711 71b 71b 71f 71f 71f 71f 71f 80i 80i 80i 80i 8pu

This could probably do with a lobotimizer to get rid of momentum, but otherwise does well against creature based decks if you get setup in time.

Rain of Dolls [Gravity][Aether][Darkness]
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
744 744 744 744 74h 74h 74h 74h 74h 74h 75m 75m 7t4 7t4 7t4 7t4 7t4 7t8 7ta 7tg 7tg 7tg 7tg 7tg 7um 7um 7um 7um 80i 80i 8pu

Kind of fun. Make lots of dolls and lob them at the opponent. I tried making this a rainbow (to have BBs and congeals for CC and extra damage) but it was too unstable as it couldn't get enough gravity quanta (I had darkness mark). I also had mitosis in there as well, but it succumbed to the might that is fractal.

At 17 damage a piece you do need a fractal.
Slowish 8-12 ish turns. Unstable trio. Not recommended.

Continuing with the theme of catapults

Rusty Mechs [Gravity] [Water]
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Deck import code : [Select]
744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 746 746 746 746 746 746 74h 74h 74h 74h 74h 74h 77l 77l 78q 7gn 7gn 7gn 7gn 7gn 7gn 8pp

At 35 damage for an iced mech, you need 3 of them to kill. The advantage of this over flying titans is that it is more defensive against rushes, both parts of the combo are useful on their own (unlike titan and animate weapon). Less hitting power in general though. This can kill in 6-7 turns. The BBs are a bit awkward though.

Looks like this one is on the wiki. Pretty much. One day an original deck idea I'll have.

Fractal Death Balls [Aether][Death]
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
711 711 711 71b 71b 71b 71f 71f 71f 71f 71f 808 808 808 809 809 809 809 809 809 80e 80e 80i 80i 80i 80i 81q 81q 81q 81q 8pu

About 7 turns max. Good defense as well though.

Same idea as fractal cats, but death for free and a bit more punch. The number of free cards makes it less likely you'll get pillars in your opening hand though. I'm also thinking about a nightmare spark deck anti-ai deck, relying on you having a bonewall up and not giving them too many sparks to overwhelm it before they die and fill it up. That sounds a bit tenuous when I say it out loud.

Nightmare Balls[Death][Dark][Aether]
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
711 711 711 711 711 71b 71b 71b 71f 71f 71f 71f 71f 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th 7um 7um 7um 7um 7um 809 809 809 809 809 809 8pk

It is a bit death quanta heavy as it can't soak it up with fractal. But it kinda works. Turns out that balls/sparks are net +1 anyway.

10 ish turn EM potential. Dies to quick rushes. Can be frustrating waiting for the

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Re: Loadquo's deck ideas (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2011, 12:38:37 pm »
Looks very similar to what I run for fun, kitten-tall!I usually use 4 shields, 2 dragons and 3 fractals, and with 5 towers instead of 5 pends.
You know, a long time ago being crazy meant something. Nowadays everybody's crazy.


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Re: Loadquo's deck ideas (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2011, 01:07:04 pm »
Heh, did a quick google search on fractal and schroedingers cat but didn't come up with anything.

Have you played with it since 1.29 came out? It is now a lot smoother and needs less entropy quanta (1 for the skill) so you are multiplying the quanta even without multiple soul catchers.

Original is here  (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=18696.0)

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Re: Loadquo's deck ideas (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2011, 01:16:16 pm »
Heh, did a quick google search on fractal and schroedingers cat but didn't come up with anything.

Have you played with it since 1.29 came out? It is now a lot smoother and needs less entropy quanta (1 for the skill) so you are multiplying the quanta even without multiple soul catchers.

Original is here  (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=18696.0)
Yup, I always feel I need more quanta.This is what I use, but upgraded.
You know, a long time ago being crazy meant something. Nowadays everybody's crazy.


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Re: Loadquo's deck ideas (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2011, 11:04:01 am »
A few new (or not new as the case may be) deck ideas up.

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Re: Loadquo's deck ideas (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2011, 09:36:35 pm »
Ooh interesting ideas!
I've also used the first deck posted here for a bit, and it pretty well often.

For the last deck (nightmare instead of fractal), I'm a bit confused on how it works.
Are you supposed to nightmare your opponent with ball lightnings after putting on bone wall, and make your opponent use them in order to get quarta for dragons and increase wall size? Seems a little risky if your opponent has other creatures already on board.
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Re: Loadquo's deck ideas (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2011, 10:37:00 pm »
Looks very similar to what I run for fun, kitten-tall!I usually use 4 shields, 2 dragons and 3 fractals, and with 5 towers instead of 5 pends.
Is there a specific topic for that deck? I've heard of it a few times, but a google search wasn't helping me, so do you know of one?

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Re: Loadquo's deck ideas (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2011, 11:54:05 pm »
Why not try your hand at arena farming and get one section of arena decks and one of PvP :)


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Re: Loadquo's deck ideas (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2011, 12:06:43 am »
Looks very similar to what I run for fun, kitten-tall!I usually use 4 shields, 2 dragons and 3 fractals, and with 5 towers instead of 5 pends.
Is there a specific topic for that deck? I've heard of it a few times, but a google search wasn't helping me, so do you know of one?
Here is the original topic (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,18696.0.html)

Why not try your hand at arena farming and get one section of arena decks and one of PvP :)
Given up farming for the moment. I much prefer mucking about with decks in trainer.

For the last deck (nightmare instead of fractal), I'm a bit confused on how it works.
Are you supposed to nightmare your opponent with ball lightnings after putting on bone wall, and make your opponent use them in order to get quarta for dragons and increase wall size? Seems a little risky if your opponent has other creatures already on board.
It can be, to be honest. If the AI was consistent when it played the ball lightening you could play a fresh bone wall (as long as there was less than 7 creatures, Ball lightnings immediately die after attacking and before the next one does, so can never wear down a bone wall no matter how many as long as it is more than 1) before they hit the table and be fine. However it sometimes plays them immediately  and sometimes never.

I'll have to put very rough speed and stability numbers next to the decks. That one is slow and unstable, but still an interesting concept.


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Re: Loadquo's deck ideas (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2011, 04:22:44 am »
Here is the original topic (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,18696.0.html)

Thank you loadquo. :) I wonder what to up and change, but thank you. It looks fun!


blarg: loadquo