Didn't really have any fire cards upgraded, but I really feel I oughta have cremation upped. Upped it and didn't know what I wanted to put in it, so off to trainer!
Thinking that this may work decently in PvP2, its about the speed of a speedbow.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7ds 7ds 7ds 7ds 7ds 7ds 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 809 809 809 809 809 809 80i 80i 80i 80i 8po
Only played 20 games, because I don't like wasting time in trainer. Ended up with a 6.2 turn win rate (granted, only 20 games), with half of those 6 turn wins. This proves to me that it is actually fairly consistent. One of the games the ai played a procrastination on turn 3, and I still ended up with a 7 turn win. I had 1 10 turn win due to RNG, and me messing up horribly. Opening hand had 2 ball lightnings, 2 cremations, 2 fractals, and 2 aether towers (I lost coin toss). Instead of fractalling BL's, I went ahead and cremated them, ended up drawing another 2 cremations, and would have had enough quanta to fractal 2 more BL's before I drew my first pheonix.
Tips: Never cremate/play a ball lightning unless your about to clear your hand for a fractal
Fractal either balls or pheonixes whenever you have the quanta.
All fractals should be done with essentially a clear hand, nothing you really have to save. If you can fractal Pheonixes, but you don't have enough quanta to play them, just go ahead and fractal the balls.
Other than^ always fractal pheonixes over balls, unless you'll get a ko next turn.
Also, I really want to try and work silences in. Experimented with a combo of only 4 pheonixes/BL, as well as 3 fractals. Worked decently. May have been a bit worse because at that point I was running an aether mark, for speedier fractals. However, I didn't have enough fire quanta to effectively play all of the phoenixes.