drop the

it'd mess with the mulligan
with the -1 thunderstorm (you said so XD), this is a 30-card deck right?
why not -1 HG, +1

tower OR precog?
>you can draw with sundials, and pretty much you're gonna have ~2 as first 7 cards
(not sure what'd happen if you'd go with this)
You would still one hit kill most people using a 12 strength dragon (4*(12+1) *2 =104). Perhaps consider using a more survivable one? For example a jade dragon (12/9) would be immune to lots of pure damage CC for a while. Your whole attack force could't be wiped out by a RoF.
he's using Ruby Dragons (15|2) --> (4*(15+1)*2) = 16*8 > 120 (too lazy to compute)
so, maybe, just maybe, SoD isn't much of a problem?
+this is a one-hit KO deck, right?
so, CC doesn't really matter if you only need creatures in a turn (or two, if something goes wrong? XD)