Looks like a spin on SG's deck. Is the mark time? And could you post the deck code?
Overall I think you'd benefit from slimming down some. It'll not only help you find cards you need but it'll also increase the percentage of your deck that's upped. If you played with only the upped half of your deck I think it'd be an upgrade.
Offhand I'd be working hard to up those novas and the oty. I find the sundials way less useful since the nerf, so I'd drop them all. I'd definitely take out stoneskin which has no place in a rainbow deck like this, consider replacing the pharoah with a fire queen cuz I guess you're short on time quanta, and prolly try to add either a pulvy or a butterfly for perm control. But overall taking out the dials and slimming to ~40 cards is a good idea, especially given your upped card situation.