Well, in your pillarless, you need less cards. A lot less cards because trying to go pillars with over three elements is basically suicide unless you get very very lucky. bring that deck count down to 30, take out all the reverse times and freezes, get rid of all the fire. Why you ask? because you do not have enough to generate everything you need decently. All those rely on having a bunch of your novas played already. Pillarless decks will always have a week spot for rain of fires and the such because they don't have much defense, if any at all.
As for the second deck there, it's better, but you really dont need the light pillars, or the dragon really. But the fireflies your queen generate will generate light so the light pillars are basically useless in that deck.also, take out some empathetic bonds in it, only use maybe 2-4 max. that will bring your deck count down a lot making you get all yoru good cards sooner.