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Life/Aether [work in progress] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6264.msg64712#msg64712
« on: May 07, 2010, 12:53:21 am »
Hello there im currently trying to figure out to modify this deck. and if there already is another/same version already posted i appologize for that and its not my intention to steal any ideas or take credits for it in anyway.

well here it is not fully completed still needs some testing and modifying work and i wonder if u could help me out,

[Mark]:  :life

as u can see its a pretty fun concept wich could prolly be done as good as none-upgraded aswell.

Why Quintessence? - Leaf dragon is a fragile creature and if it gets wtfpwned u may aswell just leave the match. so it helped ALOT.
This deck could prolly work aswell with another creature ofc but i fancy the dragons  ;D

PROS: High green quanta generation and very usefull to be able to throw out loads of dragons at the same time when using fractal
           IF u get a good start it will be very hard to stop.

CONS: Can be very slow started
           Fireshield or poisonshield will defenatly own ur rustlers.
           With the current version i get alot of bad draws and have to wait alot for them key cards to come

Modifications in mind: thinking of taking out 2x :light pillars, 1x :aether pillar  and 1 fractal and replace em with 4 heals to outlast the pounding b4 delivering the finishing blow.

so whats ur suggestion on this?


  • Guest
Re: Life/Aether [work in progress] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6264.msg64727#msg64727
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2010, 01:42:58 am »
What about replacing a couple of light towers with rays of light? Less prone to earthquakes, and they can be fractaled for epic quanta production.


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Re: Life/Aether [work in progress] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6264.msg64729#msg64729
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2010, 01:44:36 am »
i suggest:
take out the  :light towers and replace them with  :life towers
replace the leaf dragons with some more jade dragons and maybe aether towers

