
Offline killsdazombies

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  • killsdazombies brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.killsdazombies brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.killsdazombies brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.killsdazombies brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.killsdazombies brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.killsdazombies brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.killsdazombies brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.killsdazombies brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.killsdazombies brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.killsdazombies brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.
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Re: Life and Death revamped https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=9394.msg111424#msg111424
« Reply #12 on: July 10, 2010, 01:02:18 am »
Looks quite neat, and a lot like the deck out deck I used against killsdazombies in the last trial. I would suggest using skull shield instead of emerald because it's cheaper, unless your opponent is using a bolt deck, which isn't common. If you want to keep the life/death card count equal then perhaps take a few more adrenalines.
how did i beat that deck again? i forget.

Re: Life and Death revamped https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=9394.msg111430#msg111430
« Reply #13 on: July 10, 2010, 01:12:07 am »
I actually like Jade Shield better than Spine Carapace for this deck, for two reasons.  1) You stop all Cell damage permanently, since it can't be exploded or stolen, and 2) creatureless decks fail miserably unless they use Fahrenheit.  Pack six Aflas and you have a decent amount of creature control if he manages to get anything sizable out before the Cells take over.  Rest is healing, and voila.


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Re: Life and Death revamped https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=9394.msg111437#msg111437
« Reply #14 on: July 10, 2010, 01:31:06 am »
Looks quite neat, and a lot like the deck out deck I used against killsdazombies in the last trial. I would suggest using skull shield instead of emerald because it's cheaper, unless your opponent is using a bolt deck, which isn't common. If you want to keep the life/death card count equal then perhaps take a few more adrenalines.
how did i beat that deck again? i forget.
Growing forest spirits that wouldn't die from aflatoxin because they keep growing and dragons that came out to fast, overpowered my bonds.

