Hello everybody!

This is my deck. My Score is a lil bit more than 10 000 points. 900 matches win, 250 matches lost. This deck is awesome! I finished Top 50 Player with this Cards and this only with the non-upgraded versions of the cards (lava golem, pillars..)
Every noob can play this deck. It´s easy, fast and make a lot of damage.
Thats my actually deck:
- Earth Mark
13 x Fire Tower
06 x Lava Destroyer
04 x Deflagration
02 x Minor Phoenix
02 x Immolation
02 x Fire Bolt
01 x Fahrenheit
I think i upgrade 3 Ash Eaters and put them into the deck because my mana pool is sometimes very low (the enemy play spellcards like deflagration, quicksand..) i think with the ash eaters in my deck the deck is faster...
pls help me to make my deck stronger and give me some tips. i´m a newbie.
.. and sry 4 tha bad english.. but i´m german and not good in speakin english