How does it do against False Gods / F5 / PvP
This deck would only be for PvP and t50.
I don't see the need for 3 perm control cards in a rush deck, first of all. -2 werevolves for sure, having those in your hand and using it , then drawing a supernova next turn when you have only 1
can hurt you at the beginning of games. Bone wall is not as good as wings in this deck (I use 2 in mine), which along with spiders is very effective. 2 abyss crawler's is too much
for poor attack : quanta ratio. Take one out and add another graboid. In general, with your weapon set and perm control, its too control oriented for a rush deck. You should have 10 creatures, 1-2 CC cards and 1-2 perm control cards.
I won't go through and say what cards to take out and add directly, but let the rush quality of the deck shine through more. I'd recommend wings +spiders for damage/control and work from there.