I'm not sure if half-time half-rainbow decks are good at AI5 grinding... they are extremely powerful if you get a good draw, but they often suffer from bad draws, and unupgraded you cannot add essential cards like Shards of Gratitude.
My suggestions would be to add:
+plague (helps to get big creatures into devouring range, great synergy with procrastination and ice shield because opponents take damage even when frozen/in time bubble)
+ice shield (nice against FFQ, skeletons, scarabs and even against bigger hitters if they get frozen)
+maybe 2-3 hourglasses... I'm not sure because unupgraded they are quite expensive to use, but you definitely need some.
+quintessence (it really helps if you quint an early pharaoh, then use the second one on anubis)
+4 sundials (they don't count as additional cards because of their ability to draw a card, and your deck is slow so a little stalling always helps)
-2 bone walls (they are nice when you are already winning, but they rarely help you out of a losing situation)
-boneyard (also helps only when you are already winning - even if you consider bonds, I still think a plague helps you to survive more often than a boneyard)
Also, I'd go either for butterfly effect or for fallen druid, but not both. Fallen druid makes battles more interesting, but butterfly effect is more reliable... using both is already heavy on

Maybe replace butterfly effect with antimatter? (you need healing and it's nice it one antimattered dragon heals back what 2 dragons do against a procrastination).
Overall, I'm not sure if my advice is helpful, because I've been mostly playing against False Gods and when I switched to pharaoh I already had 1/3 of the cards upgraded (shards of gratitude are essential!). Anyway I mostly used 48-51 card decks so that's why suggested adding more cards than removing... also, in 51 card deck I use 10 time towers and 8 quantum towers, so I guess your tower count is quite good. Yes, it often ends in bad draws, but the only thing you can do about it is to add more hourglasses and more towers, but that would in fact make the deck less consistent, probably.