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ideas for mutation deck? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=440.msg4099#msg4099
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:51 pm »

i'm quite new at this game.
now i'm running a deck like this..

mark of darkness

7 amethyst tower
3 quantum pillar

6 mutation
6 photon
6 lycantrope
1 nova
1 vampire stiletto

strategy is quite simple, i try to play fat people faster as possible. i obviously try to combo lycantrope with mark of darkness (2 turns average). lycantrope can be mutated too if there are devourers or venoms around.

standard combo is photon/mutation, this means a mutated photon in 2 turns too.
i actually have some problems with entropy, but i can't run pure quantum pillars since improved mutations often needs different colors to be used.

mutation card is not only funny. it can be used to revive a dieing creature (venom i.e.) or to nerf a fat creature on the other side.

now i unlocked the chance to improve my cards.. and i don't know if this is a practicable way for a good deck or not (for sure is really funny)
i'd like to improve the mutations and the quantum pillar, maybe this may help introducing some fallen elf to enhance the mutation mayhem.

what do you think? some suggestion? any other idea?

P.S. sorry for bad english :D

ideas for mutation deck? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=440.msg4100#msg4100
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:51 pm »

Problem with a deck like this is that the mutations are quite random. I tried this once, and sometimes I'd mutate huge creatures that stomped all over my opponents. Other times, I'd mutate abominations, or 0/4 creatures with Gravity Pull or something. Getting those Mutations upgraded to Improved Mutations would do this deck a lot of good, but ultimately you'll be relying on pretty much pure luck. Not to mention that getting the money to upgrade the cards without farming the Fake Gods will take forever. >.<


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ideas for mutation deck? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=440.msg5965#msg5965
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:00 pm »

even if I'm new to this game, I thinkyour are wrong, mutate deck are good.
And not only because they are funny. You are probably right that they are not the most optimized deck, the more efficient...
But it's not a problem of luck, it's a problem of probablility.

for your deck switch the proportion of quantum/amethyst and use mark of entropy
6 lycan is too much 4 is enough
include in your deck 4 elves
add 2 or 3 demon
also add chaos seed ( 4 to 6)
and as soon as you can golden hourglass and steel (2 or 3)
nova is just a waste of time and card (but only if you switch tower proportion) It can speed up your deck but only in the first turn. After it's a dead card.

common problem you  have with this deck are :
quantum -> so use mark of entropy (did I already say that ?)xhen you got enough pillar it will not be a problem anymore
poisson -> kill, or mutate creature as soon as you can and if you are poisonned.... go faster !
big creature -> mutate them until you can kill them with your demon, or until they died
stasis -> stole this ugly things
fast deck -> go faster than him

keep in mind that when you mutate a creature she mutate to an abomination, a mutant or die....
the worst thing you can do is give to your opponent the creature to kill you, but it's also very problematic for him to have bad creature with ability he can't use.

That's for me...
keep I mind that if I'm familiar with this kind of game, I'm new to this one so I can missed some things.

