i'm quite new at this game.
now i'm running a deck like this..
mark of darkness7 amethyst tower
3 quantum pillar
6 mutation
6 photon
6 lycantrope
1 nova
1 vampire stiletto
strategy is quite simple, i try to play fat people faster as possible. i obviously try to combo lycantrope with mark of darkness (2 turns average). lycantrope can be mutated too if there are devourers or venoms around.
standard combo is photon/mutation, this means a mutated photon in 2 turns too.
i actually have some problems with entropy, but i can't run pure quantum pillars since improved mutations often needs different colors to be used.
mutation card is not only funny. it can be used to revive a dieing creature (venom i.e.) or to nerf a fat creature on the other side.
now i unlocked the chance to improve my cards.. and i don't know if this is a practicable way for a good deck or not (for sure is really funny)
i'd like to improve the mutations and the quantum pillar, maybe this may help introducing some fallen elf to enhance the mutation mayhem.
what do you think? some suggestion? any other idea?
P.S. sorry for bad english