The deck works decently (in trainer) against AI3. I tested against FGs, and it can beat Octane, and possibly others.
Deck import code :
[Select]4tl 4tl 4tl 4tl 4tl 4tl 5lg 5lg 5lg 5lg 5lg 5lg 61o 61o 61v 61v 61v 621 621 621 621 621 621 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 808 808 808 8pq
Note:Upgrades were as I had them, and theoretically when you finish everything would be upgraded.
The strategy is simple: Play your reflective shield, quint enemy creatures, and use SoW on them. The dragons are there as extra damage and in case enemy does not play a creature soon enough, or you don't draw your quints soon enough.
I feel like the quanta balance might be a bit off. Also, it's hard to stall without any healing, so adding some SoGs might be a good idea. I think taking out a couple shields might be a good idea, too. While you want a shield out ASAP, any shields you get after the first one are useless cards since reflective shield is automatically protected.
I think it would work good in PvP because most people spam a small number of large attack creatures rather than a large number of small attack creatures, and the phase dragons help you get past the creatureless decks. I want to keep this aether-based with just the shields from light, although changing to the life reflecting shield (although that's more expensive) and adding SoGs might work better. Suggestions?