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Hello, I'm new to the forums, I just registered today. I've been playing Elements for about a week now on and off between other gaming and letting my friend play (who I introduced to the game as well). For now, I'm just trying to complete the quests quickly and gain electron (coin right?). Right now I can only secure a 90% success rate in level 1 Random, and even though that's good, it is still very slow and will get even slower when I start the 500 score quest. I haven't even tried a level 3 Elder, and I'd say I can only win against a level 2 Normal maybe 40% of the time. Even then, I haven't tried level 2 maybe more than a total of fifteen times I'm guessing, and I would guess I won maybe 5-7, but I'm sure I'm just adding a few for best case scenario.
I'd say my deck is based around Nymphs and the ability to draw cards quickly, hopefully nullifying my large deck weakness. I have just been messing around with my deck here and there, not really aiming for anything, so I can't say it's professional or that it even has a main goal or strength. I only saw a major strength in the Nymphs, so I added lots of cards that would help me get what I wanted with some variety on the side. I have the Life cards because I thought that the forest spirit, when using the right cards, could be a major strength. So to summarize: basically the first half of my deck is all about major permanent boosting by having the right resources to do so and having extra health for use of the Red Nymph that takes 5hp for +5attk. Overall, I just want a much better success rate at levels 2 and 3 so I won't be taking 2 steps forward and 3 steps back.
When in battle, I usually start getting my Nymphs and upgraded beasts when I'm around 20-50% health. I never have had that many beasts, since I relied on getting very strong ones (used to use Chimera). Sometimes I get my good cards near the end when there is almost no point anymore, and sometimes I have my cards at the very beginning and just never have the resources to use them, until the end of course. To counteract this, I have the hourglasses along with a plentiful supply of Quantum suppliers. When I do get the nymphs, I usually get a Golden to help get to the end, and a Nymph Queen(?) after to get many more, which would explain my large amount of water pillars (next to time of course). On another note, I tried the idea of the first half of my deck based around the Amagio + Plate Armor + Red Nymph + Golden Hourglass on the trainer, and I don't think it did very well at all against level 2 and 3, though I didn't bother trying more than once since it was such a hardcore loss. this deck was 35 cards total, which I could post in a reply if you wanted to look for improvements.
Whew. I think that explains just about all of it. I'm sorry that I'm not looking for anything in particular, but I'm just willing to let anyone/everyone experienced mess around with my deck and give good suggestions. I would like to keep my nymphs, or at least some cards, I mean, I don't want to just nearly start over, but honestly, if you say it I'll do it. : )
And to start a good reputation, I have always made it my absolute top priority to have correct grammar/spelling and whatnot, so I'm one of "those" guys. hehe