I've been doing pretty good over the past 2 days, farming quite a few cards off FGs, managed to upgrade some things here and there.
AND THEN I hit a HUGE slump, losing maybe 10 FG matches in a row, either to hard FGs or bad draws
Even the 6 FGs i beat in between gave me nothing but 40 gold each and no card reward!
This is taking a huge toll on my moneys and I need to find a way to start winning again so i can get back on the straight and narrow.
My deck consists of:
7 quantum pillar
6 quantum tower
2 boneyard
2 empathic bond
2 RoF
eternity, parallel universe, diamentional shield, fallen druid, elite oty
6 sundial
2 steal
1 upgraded bonewall
And I honestly dont know what I can do to make it better with the 339 gold I have left apart from wasting more money on FGs
Really need big help here- ??? ???