After thinking a while for my options, I decided to make Scaredgirl's rainbow "Instant Win" 30 card deck @ unupgraded, ofc with little modifications. It works fine as long I dont get bad draws and the opponent does not have quicksands or get his fire shield/maxwell's demon quickly up from the start.
Anyway here's the deck Im using now, as you might have noticed Im using druidic staff atm.. It would be nice to have some room for the emerald shield or possibly lobotomizer/eternity but If I take them Ill hardly ever get them into play when I need them or have quanta to use them, same goes with miracle yeah I have it in my hand 80% of games I play, but I get to use it very late in the game if at all..

But now back to the real question I had in my mind, should I upgrade first my novas or quantum pillars or maybe something else?