Hi, well I'm new in this forum but I've been playing elements for months, so I decided to register here 'cause I can find some kinda useful information

well now I've discovered something a little interesting about Wyrms; I was playing with my rainbow deck with a level 3 air, this one used some wyrms and I decided (I don't remember why exactly...

) to use parallel universe in the wyrm, in the next turn I used dive and cloned it againg and attacked, and what do I see? the cloned wyrm had the attack dived permanently!! without blessings or something like that.
So I've decided to make a deck using this little discovering (I dunno if someone had made this before...) using


10 wind pillars
5/6 wyrms
10 aether pillars
6 parallel universe
this is the base of the deck. Just take a wyrm, dive, clone it and ta-da! ah, of course, use parallel in the cloned wyrm, so the wyrm get more powerful

I've been battling a little with this deck and I only lost 1 of 17 battles, and that one was with a fake god! This deck is really fast. Of course this is only offensive, is not a bad idea to have some dissipation shields(3 to 6), and before I forget, you have to be careful with paradox and fire shields, to paradox maybe some lightnings or thunderstorms('cause paradox only can be used by maxwell demons), or, if you can, an owl's eye
hope this deck works with all of those who want to try

PD: sorry about my english