What is this deck for? It doesn't control the opponent effectively, doesn't deal fast damage--basically doesn't achieve anything. It's difficult to help somebody with deckbuilding if you don't know what he's aiming for.
You're clearly overstacked on quint though--6 quint and 1 anubis constitutes an overprovision since you don't even have enough creatures. Maybe you can look at removing the novas, titan, everything from


to leave you with mono entropy. Remove some pillars, add one more elf and change to

mark for defensive mutations, remove the chaos seeds, add in some antimatters, and get a handful of purple dragons for damage.
Moral of the story: Before you build a deck, lay down the mental groundwork. What do I want to achieve? What is the spirit of the deck? What concept(s) am I going to capitalize on? Stick to them, and you'll go a long way eventually.