Lobotomizers:Do not fear the Top 50 category of a fight. Sometimes the decks are amazing and pummel you, however the 15 coins lost is in my honest opinion, worth it.
Why might you ask? Well, one simple reason. People create decks called "Farms" which are requested in the Chat room (which can be found as the tab at the top of this page called tab, or
http://elementschat.co.cc/)) and consist of 2 to 3 rare cards, sometimes Lobotomizers, sometimes Eternities and the pillars in the deck are either scattered, or off element so that the Lobotomizer (or Eternity for that matter) cannot be played.
People set up these farms late at their respective nights so that while they sleep, others win rare cards. It's quite kind of the Elements community.
Please do not forget that the cards that are won come in their pre-upgraded forms.
Be careful with the 1 or 2 "Biting Farms" which pack element aligned pillars and towers and will be able to bring out their rare cards. They are still jokes compared to other Top 50 decks but it is something that you should be wary of.
Deck advice:You seem to be packing a

rush. I would suggest taking out 2-3 Emerald Dragons and putting in some Empathic bonds. It might help with higher coin winning per match.
If you're going to be using Rustlers consider switching your mark to

as opposed to relying on your Rays of Light and Light Pillars.
As for deck advice, my deckbuilding skills are not top notch but I will get back to your deck after more analysis.