Please, excuse my late reply to your PM, but I had limited access to Internet for the last week.
I'd need some more time to experiment with pendulum decks, so I'll try to guess what could be improved based on my experience and eventually I'll write more advice after some testing.
So, the main problem seems to be in quanta production. Your deck needs 5 different types of quanta AND it needs a lot of


to play the expensive cards (while

might sometimes be in high demand). There is no reliable way of producing such a combination. You need to either decrease the number of elements used or decrease the number of heavily used elements and change it to a rainbow deck.
Another problem is the size of the deck. The very fact it's so big makes it even more vulnerable to bad draws and even with 4 hourglasses and 6 sundials I'd say the card drawing aspect is too weak.
So, I can see two different ways you could change your deck:
- Remove


... without Miracles you'll need more SoGs and without PA you'll have problems against permanent destruction, so I'd take an Animate Weapon for your Eternity and maybe take 1 more Eternity just in case. It's very useful anyway if you have enough

to use it. You won't be able to draw cards with sundials, so they could only be used for stalling... but I'd rather drop them and take a full set of 6 hourglasses instead.
Such a deck would be much more reliable in terms of quanta production, but some FGs might be hard to beat without PA.
OR, if you prefer the rainbow option
- take 6 supernovas, mark of entropy, time pendulums. Replace miracles and phase shields with antimatters. A Supernova deck should be small and fast to draw them quickly and reliably, so you should make it as thin as possible (keep only the most important cards, no duplicates) and 6 hourglasses. You can take cards from other elements (eg. Fog Shield, Steal) if you think they might help with stalling.