I'm not sure why you're showing two decks. If I understand correctly, you're looking for help on the second one. Since your problem is staying alive long enough to get healing from fireflies, consider switching from thorn carapace to the other life shield, though your only control will then be the owl's eye.
I haven't tried the deck but some of the things you're doing seem theoretically flawed to me. For instance, I think I'd get rid of the rustlers. They'll add a crapload of life quantum late game but you won't use it, pillars would help more early game, and they're less likely to die. I'd consider getting rid of the flying weapon as well. I get what you're trying to do but it's tough to get all three cards in hand.
But if we get rid of both the rustlers and the flying weapon for the staff, why have adrenalines at all? Adrenaline essentially adds +5 to attacking fireflies and +4 (I think) to the dragon, and you'd almost be better served having frogs, cockatrices or more fireflies in the deck to contribute to the bond. Meh.