The problem with using stone skin and a small deck is that you don't have a real victory condition.
Stoneskin is great for stall-based decks- decks that need time to set up and wait out the long match. In contrast, a 30 card deck is great for rushing as you get all those damage cards out as fast as you can. There is no synergy between stone skin and the classic air/life/light trio.
You have no defense against any type of control, and your damage is far too slow to be effective. Your healing and defensive capabilities only work if you get the time you need to set them up, but most rush decks will out-rush you before the combo is set and most stall decks will out-stall you.
In short, focus on one combo that will do the job- one main strategy for victory. Either:
1.Remove the stone skins entirely, and go for a simple FFQ-light-life combo.
2.Refit this deck into an earth/light stall duo, with stone skin, blessing, and iridium warden.