Welp, I played for a while and I have to say that Nymph Tear decks get stomped really freaking fast. I think it might be more of a support card to be played in a late-game sort of period rather than sitting there feeling helpless while mana builds up with nothing to do in the meantime. I'm thinking about trying a Forest-Spirit centered deck with Life pendulums and three or four other pillars for the Nymph's Tear but I only own two FS right now.
As for the other, this is what little I came up with. I upgraded a Fallen Elf because it's the card I enjoy the most. There may be other cards more important in a rainbow deck (Supernova, Electrum Hourglass, Towers) but this and an upgraded Arctic Squid were what I wanted first.
4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4vc 4vd 4vd 4vk 4vl 4vl 4vm 4vm 4vm 4vm 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 5bu 5bu 5bu 5bu 5bu 5bu 5c4 5cg 6u6
I settled on Horned Frogs because you really really need that early offense and Entropy creatures are rather expensive, especially Maxwell's Demons and they can be mutated as ready as any other critter. I also got a Nymph from the Oracle, but a couple Adrenalines would serve just as well, I think. I just find that casting Adrenaline on the Fallen Elves makes them just as offensive as a Frog in the same circumstance and doing that has saved my butt a number of times.
I haven't really tested it for any kind of win/lose ratio or optimized it but it seems to perform well enough in AI3. Unfortunately, it gets steamrolled in Top50 for obvious reasons (lack of ready-available creature control besides mutation, stolen Discords, unable to kill the enemy by turn 7 for those damn Immobows and upgraded Life Rushes, etc.) and the only thing that I can get by with is that really-cookie cutter unupgraded No Land Stompy deck. It feels cheap, but that's how I earned enough money to upgrade my druid (the deck I'd really rather optimize and be playing at)