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Need some help Aether/Dark deck https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3571.msg32178#msg32178
« on: March 03, 2010, 10:35:18 pm »
I need some help with this deck.  I'm not even sure if it's great but I can kill AI 3 80% of the time.  I'm looking to make it either faster or have a higher win %.  Also if there is any other cards that can help me advance past lvl 3.  My Mark is Dark  :darkness

Thank You for the help!   :)



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Re: Need some help Aether/Dark deck https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3571.msg32215#msg32215
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2010, 11:34:25 pm »
Not a bad deck.

I'd take out the Short Sword; you already have one weapon, and it's just taking up space. You seem to be a little low on :darkness pillars; for this reason, I'd take out both Vampires, and maybe a Steal and a Drain Life. If things really get slow, also get rid of your Devourers; this deck looks like it concentrates on damage from the Dragons and the PUS, while still providing a good amount of creature control, perm control, and defense.

You want to end with the smallest deck possible; a 30 card deck with only the bare neccesities will be faster than what you have here.

Nice deck; great work so far ;)


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Re: Need some help Aether/Dark deck https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3571.msg32245#msg32245
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2010, 11:59:50 pm »
I think your deck idea is good.  I would change it a little more by:
-Taking out: Short Sword, Vampires, dusk mantle, 1-2 Black pillars
-Put in: Few more devourers and dimensional shields.

I was thinking about trying something like this... Stall them with black early game, dimensional shield late game = good game... It wouldn't make it faster but it would make it more stable/higher win chance.

If you plan on going for level 5s, devourers are useless... they have too much mana gain :(


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Re: Need some help Aether/Dark deck https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3571.msg32295#msg32295
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2010, 12:56:10 am »
Not a bad deck.

I'd take out the Short Sword; you already have one weapon, and it's just taking up space. You seem to be a little low on :darkness pillars; for this reason, I'd take out both Vampires, and maybe a Steal and a Drain Life. If things really get slow, also get rid of your Devourers; this deck looks like it concentrates on damage from the Dragons and the PUS, while still providing a good amount of creature control, perm control, and defense.

You want to end with the smallest deck possible; a 30 card deck with only the bare neccesities will be faster than what you have here.

Nice deck; great work so far ;)
Well I made the changes you suggested and it made the deck faster but I find myself sitting there for several turns doing nothing   :(  I also can't seem to win against any fast deck.  If they put out little 1/1 or 2/2 critters, I can pretty much call it a loss.  Any other suggestions to help this deck out a bit?

Thank You

*edit*  I tried it against lvl 5's


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Re: Need some help Aether/Dark deck https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3571.msg32303#msg32303
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2010, 01:07:49 am »
If you feel yourself losing a lot, I suggest getting rid of the Aether portion of the deck entirely. You don't need it that much at all; it's just there for flavor. A very fast and sound deck can come from a mono-Dark.

For your mono-Dark, ditch the Short Sword, 1 or 2 Steals, a Drain Life if you want, and all the Aether cards (this is all from your original deck). Add maybe 5 Obsidian pillars, an Eclipse, and a couple more creatures if you have room. Go for exactly 30 cards.

Good luck.

