You know, the deathstalker is one of those cards that when you see it, you think it will be so awesome. But getting it to work satisfactorily always involves going through so many contortions, that in the end you kind of give up on it (at least I have).
I'm assuming this is for PvP2, as I can't see much success in the arena, compared to more conventional decks.
With your deck, you're so dependent on many things happening:
- Opponent does not have a rush type of deck (you have no defenses).
- Having a nightfall out.
- As many stalkers as possible already on board.
- An empty hand with one fractal.
- Nine aether quanta in pool.
- Decent amount of accumulated death quanta.
- Opponent has no shield which can block, or does not have the capability to put one up.
- Opponent has no area attack card, which will wipe out all your critters.
- Opponent can not later heal, purify, SoSac, etc.
- Likely other things which escape me at the moment.
All the above conditions have to be there, or about to be there, to be successful.
If not, you'll be lucky get one or two turns (stings), and then be helpless for the rest of the fight.
I've already experienced all this myself, trying to make the deathstalker work, somehow.
Any ways, if you want to keep trying - and I encourage you to maybe come up with something I was not capable of myself, I'd be trying to modify things like this:
- Add one (maybe two) steals. Save it for (dimensional) shield stripping.
- Remove two death towers and three aether towers. Replace with respective pendulums. You can then use eclipse, as any shield which blocks one damage may foil you.
- Remove a deathstalker. Replace with an Arsenic.
- Remove one aether tower, and one fractal. Replace with two lightnings. Helps stall a critter rush, or finish off opponent the turn before you die yourself.
Fiddle around with it versus AI3. Maybe you could find two more cards from what I wrote, to remove to bring it down to 30 cards.
Best of luck.
Edit: Grammar, punctuation, clarity.