you need to accept that you will NEVER EVER EVER kill divine glory as a death based rainbow without destroying what makes you able to beat the rest of the FGs consistently
your deck needs shards of gratitude and to continue to upgrade cards. one quint is not enough, you need 2 minimum
im not going to push you into playing my deck as the be-all end-all of FG farming, but hang in there. its a great feeling to see your deck improve over time (heh, pun) and turn into a fully upgraded and operational death star 8)
phoenix is a weak card, dimensional shield is questionable, and until you get shards to replace the feral bonds there will be gods you cannot beat
mindgate is fine, but if you stick with another hourglass you may see better results until you upgrade towers
the glaring weakness your deck has is no permafrost. several wins are almost completely based on hiding behind that card. the quantum is rough, but thats what all the sundials are for (assuming you didnt get boned with a 1 tower hand). checkout my new deck thread for some ideas if you like, although the comparison to Can Haz Moar Drawz is unavoidable...theres only so many time+hourglass FG ideas to go around. please PM me for more encouragement and feedback, you have a great grasp of game mechanics for so few upgrades