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Re: Flying Arsenic Twins https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7987.msg98330#msg98330
« Reply #12 on: June 22, 2010, 04:13:59 am »
MaxMilen, you have a mark of death. Therefore, you can easily throw in an improved plague which is much more reliable than the carapace. You could also add lightnings as you have an aether counterpart.


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Re: Flying Arsenic Twins https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7987.msg98633#msg98633
« Reply #13 on: June 22, 2010, 05:37:45 pm »
MaxMilen, you have a mark of death. Therefore, you can easily throw in an improved plague which is much more reliable than the carapace. You could also add lightnings as you have an aether counterpart.
Plague might be a little iffy, but I did a little testing with some Thunderbolts, and initial results are promising, though it's too soon to tell for sure. I'll probably put an updated deck code into the top post later today. Thanks for the suggestion! :)


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Re: Flying Arsenic Twins https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7987.msg98942#msg98942
« Reply #14 on: June 22, 2010, 11:56:19 pm »
MaxMilen, you have a mark of death. Therefore, you can easily throw in an improved plague which is much more reliable than the carapace. You could also add lightnings as you have an aether counterpart.
Plague might be a little iffy, but I did a little testing with some Thunderbolts, and initial results are promising, though it's too soon to tell for sure. I'll probably put an updated deck code into the top post later today. Thanks for the suggestion! :)
Also, unupgraded adrenalined arsenics IMO is better.

Upgraded is (4 damage right?) 4 + 3 + 2 with 3 counts of poison for 12 damage. Unupgraded is 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 with 4 counts of poison for 12 damage as well. But poison is stronger over time.


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Re: Flying Arsenic Twins https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7987.msg98976#msg98976
« Reply #15 on: June 23, 2010, 12:40:33 am »
MaxMilen, you have a mark of death. Therefore, you can easily throw in an improved plague which is much more reliable than the carapace. You could also add lightnings as you have an aether counterpart.
Plague might be a little iffy, but I did a little testing with some Thunderbolts, and initial results are promising, though it's too soon to tell for sure. I'll probably put an updated deck code into the top post later today. Thanks for the suggestion! :)
Also, unupgraded adrenalined arsenics IMO is better.

Upgraded is (4 damage right?) 4 + 3 + 2 with 3 counts of poison for 12 damage. Unupgraded is 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 with 4 counts of poison for 12 damage as well. But poison is stronger over time.
That would be true, were it not for one thing -- whether upgraded or not, Arsenic + Adrenaline will only give 2 counts of poison.

Believe it or not, what I finally ended up doing was simply dropping the Spine Carapace and one of the Emerald Towers for two Aether Towers. Seems to work better that way; before, I'd been having a little trouble generating enough  :aether  quanta, fast enough.


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Re: Flying Arsenic Twins https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7987.msg103778#msg103778
« Reply #16 on: June 29, 2010, 04:34:13 pm »
So, any further suggestions/feedback?

I've done some playing with this deck on my account, and it seems to be pretty effective. Not great, but not bad, either. Some thoughts I've had:

  • Currently, quanta generation seems to be pretty much right on the mark. Barring quanta denial (i.e. Discord, Pest, Earthquake, Poseidon, Black Hole), I tend to be able to play my cards without having to worry too much about that.
  • Unsurprisingly, creature control is a major weakness for this deck. It does help that Druidic Staff and Arsenic have 7 HP when they fly, but enough creature control, or use of Rewind and the like, can give me some real trouble. I kinda wish I had a Turquoise Nymph, so as to immortalize my flying weapons.
  • Seeing as Turquoise Nymph is not an option for me, I do wonder if there's a way I could work in a few Quintessences, and/or Elite Anubis. (Elite Anubis would be nice, but would also require adding in some  :time  generation, so could be iffy...)

