To be honest, I'm not sure how well Quint would work in this one. The stock of

quanta tends to be JUST big enough to fuel those cards, and adding Quint would be an additional strain on that pool. Also, since you can't Twin a Quinted creature, I'd have to Epinephrine, then Twin if I was going to, then Quint. Considering that weapon -> Animate Weapon -> Epinephrine -> Twin Universe is already 4 cards, I'm not sure I want to try to add a fifth to that string. (Part of the reason this deck works, as is, is that the TU is somewhat optional.) Thanks for the idea, though.
Other than that, after further experimentation in the Trainer, based on suggestions I've gotten so far, I've decided on some changes to the deck. I've put the updated version in the top post.
In case you're wondering, those Druidic Staffs not being upgraded is intentional -- Druidic Staff + Epinephrine = 20 HP healed per turn, whereas Jade Staff + Epinephrine = 15 HP healed per turn. Of course, if I decided to use this version on my real account, I'd first have to get those Druidic Staffs, but, oh, well. That can be done, given enough time.
I still welcome further feedback/suggestions.