Try this:
5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f2 5f2 5f2 5f2 5f2 5f9 5f9 5f9 5f9 5f9 5f9 5fc 5fc 5fc 5fc 5fc 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5l9 5l9 5l9 5l9
-4 Novas +5 Pendulums
-1 Fahrenheit -1 Phoenix +1 Crimson Dragon
The Pillar/Pendulum split is for Earthquakes (or Quicksands if you accidentally misclick into an AI with upped cards, happens a lot actually

) as your quanta supply is usually needed down to the last

quanta (might be a bit exaggerating). Most of the time you won't really have that much excess

quanta to make Fahrenheit into a game changing factor. With Photons as Cremation Fodder most of the time, you don't really need the 6th Phoenix, as the 5th Crimson Dragon supplies almost double the damage as a Phoenix.
Note: Since you want vNG and you want to upgrade them this is my opinion about the order:
Phoenix> Immolation> Pillars/Pendulums. It's best not to upgrade the Crimson Dragons to Ruby Dragons (for +3 attack -1 size, makes it much more likely to be eaten by Otyugh and have it die in general). You could upgrade the Photons into Ray of Lights (plus an additional 2 to make 6) to buy a Rol/Hope deck (This is so you can afford to buy vNG, Fake God grinding makes the most electrum of all the other modes except maybe Arena, though the Upgraded Cards won from Fake Gods makes it worth it and rakes in the
