I find shockwave nice early creature control, but feel free to subsitute those for momentum
Use Lightning instead, cause u'll never see frozen creatures.
Im running a similar deck myself. Dont feel the need of using momentum.
Mind flayer takes your aether away, so no lightning....
And 4 damage from shockwave is very strong already...
true, but elite chargers and in mirrormatches that can make a difference, AND you can shoot at the enemy himself. on the other side, in mirror matches mind flayers are also nice, but against most other decks not THAT usefull. you should maybe also think of momentums (bone walls are a real pain, same goes for fire bucklers and all other shields are also disturbing).
but that are just my suggestions 
Lightning cant kill a buffed oty, mind flayer can (nothing can kill a quinted one anyway !)
Same goes to druid, etc etc annoying thing
Besides, mind flayer is not one tim
i agree with your point against elite charge, but any gravity deck would bring black whole, so you are dead in some way or the other. The only real way to overcome this is to be faster then them, before they black hole you...
Besides, this deck is un-upped, so an un-upped charge is only 4 dmg, not too big a deal, 1 graboid will be 8/3 already.
Besides mind flayer in long term will do over 5 dmg (you only need it to hit 2.5 turns)
Shockwave however can be replace with momentum if one wish to do so =)