Ditch the actual golden nymph, it's deck bloat. You're far better off playing them via Nymph Queen's ability. Also, the following:
- Switch Time Pendulums for about two thirds as many Time Towers, and add in a handful of extra Water Towers.
- Drop the Turtle Shields and add about four Steals, with Darkness mark.
Your opponent's Wings/Dim Shield will now protect you! Also, Steals are EXTREMELY flexible in this deck, since you can nab a choice tower or two, then get a nifty new type of nymph once you've accumulated enough quanta of that type for a couple shots of its ability. Some tricks you can pull:
- Antimatter his Purple Dragon
- Liquid Shadow on your Goldies for super healing
- Adrenaline a Life Nymph
- Black Hole him into oblivion
- Lock out 6 creatures of his with one Earth Nymph
- Turn Light quanta into a virtual two Shards of Gratitude
- Rage all his creatures to death