This deck only works against nooby T50 and lvl 5s. It is too slow for a fg deck. It has 80% chance to beat a lvl 5 but it changes a lot if u upgrade. But u dont need to.
x15 or more fire pillars
x6 fire bolts
x4 rain of fires
x2 or more fire pendelumns ( CANT SPELL!!)
x4 icebolts
This is a really slow deck but guareentees against lvl 3s... probably...
So the idea is to set ur pillars and stuff and wait till u get 100 fire quanta. By then u will at most have 1 fire bolt. 100 fire quanta does at least over 30 dmg. Keep spamming ur bolts and freeze annoying monsters. If monsters are getting out of hand, you can destroy it with a couple of bolts and rains.
So thats it!