As the axiom goes, you have to have money to make money, and this is especially true in Elements. FG spins are the most efficient way to gain electrum (from selling any upped cards that you won and don't need).
If you can upgrade most of CCYB to get something like this (,25878.0.html), then by all means go for it. CCYB is one of the easier to use FG farmers with moderate win rate and game length stats. The card base also lets you transition into other rainbows more easily.
I've GotP Time is not really what I would recommend as a first FG deck, but it's great to work towards when you already have at least 1 fully upgraded FG deck and want to work towards another. It takes a bit more skill to play and is slower, but it has a high win rate. Also, the cards it uses don't really fit into other decks as easily as CCYB.