I agree. If this is supposed to be a phoenix-deck, then: Leave in the phoenixes. ;-)
Since, this deck is never going to achieve elemental mastery, you may even try and take Essences suggestion all the way to 100% offense:
Also take out the Rain of Fire cards (or at least 2 of them) and replace them with something, that is large, heavy and has an odem of fire.
However, quantum generation must be monitored very carefully now:
As it is now, the deck is very balanced, since Immolation -> 7 quants -> Phoenix
So the whole latter part of the deck is so to say self-sustained.
Taking out a total of 7 cards (eaters + RoF) and putting in dragons only will simply lead to a quantum-shortage, because those measly 4 pillars are not going to pay for it.
So how about: -7, +1 RoL, +3 pillars, +3 dragons ... ?