This isn't a bad idea... it's just not streamlined. You have a little bit of everything, but it seems like it'll be really slow to get everything you actually need- You technically have everything a good deck should have, but it's not organized- there's no central strategy to win. Chewing through up to 200 HP with your current build is less than optimal, given your low damage output. Sure, you can do it, especially with the miracles helping, but you're not using each card to its fullest potential.
As a start,
I'd get rid of the buffs- you're not really doing much with them besides slightly increasing your dmg potential, and that could be done with creatures.
Replace the CP and Blessings with antimatters. You'll definitely want something to bolster your health if you aren't rushing.
The Holy Flash is basically useless. I'd use a sanctuary or crusader in its place.