Hey, thanks for the deck advice thread Scaredgirl

. I'm using a slightly modified version of your 40 card unupgraded rainbow. It has been working quite well, i have now 8 upgraded cards in it.
The only card I'm working on upgrading now is the last hourglass (I won two elite queens which i put into the deck). I was wondering if i should start upgrading my pillars after i finish the hourglass? I'm thinking about only upgrading half of the pillars to maybe get a better win % against that earth god that keeps destroying pillars.
This game is definitely interesting

. Thanks for all the help, would you have any other advice to give? The slight changes i made were throwing in an extra queen and pillar. Sometimes i also play it with a fallen elf and a fallen druid, first for control and the second for damage. I also throw in a lava golem sometimes just for fun, usually it ends up being cannon fodder (which i find helps me in certain situations).