take out kittys -- leaving at a version of pandebonium. or vice versa
the kittys and vultures will die by pande, so you want one or the other.
change skull shields for more vultures and/or arsenics (when you get them) and poisons.
if you keep the kitties and due to chances for draws, i think 6 kitties are too many as you dont want your draws to be nothing but kitties. (maybe 4 or 5, especially if you change the stuff above)
consider adding a pillar or two and splitting your pendulums into 1/2 pillars and 1/2 pendulums to help against earthquakes.
make sure your deck is 31 cards, as it isnt too many that it slows down and lowers chances of drawing a card you need and you have that extra card for decking out your opponent before you deck out should your stall succeed.
after playing with the updated deck, if you feel you need cc (SoW on imortals, momentum, adrenaline creatures, and field-filling creature strategies come to mind) try mutations or maxwells demons (demons provide more damage but less consistent cc use than mutations).