First of all, welcome to the forums!
To make an effective deck, you may want to consider your "win conditions" (i.e., how you are going to win). Most likely the deck you posted will win by building up poison counters on the opponent and then surviving until the opponent succumbs. Let's now look at how your cards fit with these objectives:
Poison: Arsenic and forest scorpions both help build poison, but both are blocked by a number of shields (dimension shield, wings, titanium shield, bone wall, etc) and are vulnerable to creature control / permanent control. Further, there are also only 6 copies of your damage cards in a 40 card deck. You may want to consider adding 3-5 copies of the death spell poison to penetrate shields and speed up your deck.
Surviving: Building up large bone walls and then healing is an effective tactic for surviving. How best to heal, though? Boneyard + triggering deaths + empathic bond can provide a lot of healing, but this set up is very slow and requires a combination of 3+ cards. Also, in mid- to late-game, you will have built up a large bone wall to block most damage, so fast healing (i.e., the heal spell) is preferred to help survive until you can build that large bone wall.
Next, how to build up the bone wall? The spell plague will work well when the opponent has numerous frail creatures out, while the creature virus can poison only one enemy creature (one turn slower than plague) but contributes its own death effect to the bone wall. While the choice is somewhat situational, I would drop the viruses and go with plagues for creature control / building bone wall.
A possible alternative
Incorporating the changes discussed above to build a more focused deck, we might come up with something like the following death-life poison stall:
52o 52o 52o 52o 52p 52p 52p 52p 52q 52q 52r 52r 52r 5c2 5c2 5c2 5c2 5c8 5c8 5c8 5c8 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de