Hi; I'm new on this game and I've started building my personal deck.

Here below my cards:
6xQuantum pillar
6xBone pillar
4xEmerald pillar
1xBone dragon
1xBone Wall
2xEmerald shield (maybe 1 could be enough)
2xEmpatic bond
1xSteal (to avoid letting other thief steal my best cards xD)
2xNightfall (Improving my minion's strength allow to avoid enemy shield)
My strategy is quite simple: tons of minion, thanks to Empatic bond (better if two), assure constant healing waiting for the enemy to die.
I could use aflatoxin on myself (quite dangerous: wrong card and an enemy shield...) or use onto opponent's creatures (Emerald shield will protect me).
I've only a few big problem:
a) if enemy use a fire shield, 8/10 I'm out.
b) Otyugh sometimes has the same effect of fire shield
c) Often some crucial card arrive too late
d) That deck is really slow.....faster one's spawn big creatures (like dragon) before empatic bond + tons of minion could provide me enough health....
Have you some useful suggestion ?
Thanks in advance.
P.s. excuse me if text is a little bit hard to read but I'm still not really skilled in English
