First of all, I agree with Icy 100%.
Second, this deck will work exponentially better upgraded. I know you're aware of that, just keep it in mind when you get some frustrating losses. It's a solid deck. Don't give up on it.
Here's a variation I tried and had some success with:

A few reasons for the changes I made:
- 30 cards. I play Darkness/Earth deck with a similar strategy (quanta denial), and you WILL get screwed over with draws. The less cards in the deck, the better.
- Darkness Mark. If you can't get the initial devourers out quickly, the deck breaks down. The Fractals are a supplement, but this deck
needs darkness quantum.
- Less Aether Pillars. You don't really want to draw Aether Pillars in your opening hand. If the auto-mulligan kicks in and you only get Aether Pillars, it's going to really hurt. Also, 1-3 Pillars can generate more than enough to play a Fractal by the time you're ready for it.
- Less Fractals. In most games you're really only going to need one or two Fractals. If you're having trouble locking them down, Fractal a Devourer. If you just need to finish them, Fractal a Vamp. Just keep in mind, Fractals are a bonus here, not your primary focus.
- Less Control (Steal/Life Drain). Your main control method is quanta denial, so focus on that. You only need a steal when your opponent gets something out before you get setup. Use Life Drain to deal with a pesky Oty if they get one out, not to heal (your Vamps/Dagger should be your main healing). Don't count on it for much damage (you'll be using your quanta to play creatures). I'd also consider switching out one Steal for a Dusk Shield.
The biggest problem I had with this deck was it's a little sluggish. You need to have at least a devourer out in your first turn or two to get things rolling. Again, that's something that will improve as you get cards upgraded.
One last screenie: Here's this deck beating PuppyChow's [presumably] fully upped Shrieker rush deck (Top50, so AI was playing, not Puppy--I'm sure he would have done better). It destroyed all my towers with Quicksand, so I never even got a fractal off, but the deck could still pull off the win. The bottom line is this type of deck is very capable.