The reason I thought of aether as the partner to dark is because of dim shield...although I suppose you'd need to draw it early.
Perhaps 6x Devourers, 3x Steal, 12 aether towers, 3 Dim Shields, 3 Lightning, 6 PU?
I'll try it in the trainer and let you know how it goes

EDIT: Only just found out that dark starts with some aether cards! Nice. Well, I quickly realised I had no bloody attacking creatures in my deck...whoops. PU might compensate for that, or I might increase towers to 15 and put in 3 recluses. I think the latter. Also removing one thunderbolt for electrocutor.
EDIT 2: Awesome. It works at level 3. But I suspect this is much more down to phase shield, lightning and lobotomiser than the draining of devourers.
EDIT 3: Capable of defeating most top 50 decks, of varying kinds. Devourers work less well against the rainbows, but that's where aether comes in, and is why I gave aether the dominant role. Darkness is really more of an optional side-deck that runs quietly by itself. I put a drain life in.
Final verdict: Very fun to play and insanely satisfying when it comes together, with around 6 devourers on the fourth turn (through a combination of PUs and the pests themselves). Definitely not a good deck to grind with, but potentially a nice PvP deck to throw people off - against a straight aether deck I suspect this would win, given a decent starting hand.