Upgrade Otyughs
+1 or 2 otys
drop titanium shield for gravity shield
(quints? but that would really slow down the deck)
Also, I wouldn't consider this deck for T50 simply because most of those decks are either rainbows (creature control), speed rainbows, or rushes. Even RoL/Hope could defeat this with an early lobo.
the otys, like i said if you read it carefully, were not upgraded because I didnt have the money
adding more cards would make it even slower
it actually works well against rainbows because of the nymphs and pulvy's effects, even try it out in trainer. and the rushes are the reason for the titaniums, all the creatures in those deck have hp less than 6, so it would be useless
like i keep saying, test it out yourself about 10 times then give your judgement instead of speculating
Results of 10 tests vs Top 50 in Trainer
Lost vs life rush (couldn't eat and no damage)
Win vs CCwhybother (2nd turn amber nymph)
Lost vs life rush
Lost vs timebow (early quinted oty ate everything)
Lost vs SNwhybother (oty ate everything, led to deckout)
Win vs CCwhybother
Lost vs fractal pests (couldn't eat and got locked)
Win vs RoL/Hope (early Pulvy vs early lobo+quanta denial)
Lost vs flying eagle eyes
Lost vs fractal pests
Total 30% win percentage (granted, this sample size sucks)
Total testing time ~30 minutes for 10 games (include 3 skipped farms)
My judgement on this deck: Good concepts, but it's too slow. Could possibly work in pvp1 if you added some heavy armors.
I'm most likely not commenting further on this deck, as you asked for suggestions then simply refuted all of mine. Testing this deck also takes up a lot of time.