I'll bet most of us just tl;dr'ed that. But I didn't, and you seem to have a pretty solid grip on things. I wouldn't ever use an unupped FFQ just because I had a Miracle in my deck, though.
In essence (no pun intended), you have the quanta-usage philosophy right, but you've lost the consistency principle along the way. Decks like the PuppyChow rainbow FG killer work even though they only have 1 of almost all of their important cards because they are tiny little decks that can consistently get those necessary cards out.
Truth be told, if you're hunting FG's, you don't need to clog up your deck with random critters that aren't going to be absolutely game-swinging. With the addition of Quintessence to the game, just one or two of those game-swinging creatures (specifically Otyugh, FFQ, and/or Druid depending on your playstyle and opponent) is all you need.
Wasting time drawing a Chrysora, Lava Golem, or Fire Eater when you could have been drawing an Otyugh, Quintessence, or Golden Hourglass is fail.
Having said that, adding 6 Sundials to a Time-mark deck doesn't seem to be a necessarily bad idea. But trim it down as much as you can without the Sundials, and then add them back in. (I'm assuming your Mark is Time.)
Also, Novas aren't nearly as effective as their older brother Supernova. I'd use more Quantum Pillars until you can get your Novas upgraded.