First: Nice deck idea, already quite focussed.
Second: I dont have the time to do some actual testing and calculations with your build, so my comments maybe wrong...
Concerning the weaknesses of your deck: I dont see any chance to do anything about this without changing the deck that much that it becomes a completely different deck...the only thing i would try is to:
- speed the deck up as much as possible
- shrink it to 30 cards to focus on your main idea
My ideas:- switch mark to aether
- remove aether pillars, keep about 5 life pendulums, add some more emerald pillars OR maybe replacing the pendulums for aether pillars...not sure
-> this way you might be able to play PU faster then before, while still being able to play scorp/adrena as fast as before?
For further information about quanta issues, you might want check calculations of the quanta index (,5676)
- though additional damage maybe nice, the additional creatures pervent you from drawing your scorpions
-> maybe remove frogs and cockatrices (really not sure about this)
- remove 1-2 heals, add 1 PU
-> you want to have as many buffed scorps on the field ASAP, so another PU increases your chances to draw one early
The deck might then look like this:
5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5c2 5c2 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c8 5c8 5c8 5c8 5c8 5c8 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 61r 61r 61r
As i mentioned before, i am not really sure, if my ideas actually make this deck better...but thats what i would try^^
last point: what opponents do you want to face with your deck? AI3 or PvP?
Edit: just reread your initial post...though its up to you and i dont know about your card base, i would not recommend it that this be your first upped offence, but there are more efficient builds, imho...