Definitely try to reduce it to around 30-35 cards.
Having so many cards in a deck will increase the chances of a bad draw.
Think of it this way.
For every so and so cards you have, you have a 25% chance of a bad draw/starting hand. (Standard: 30 cards, 25%)
If you have the full sixty, you have a 75% chance, because of the so wide range/combos.
Having upped pillars/cards gives you a -1% of a bad draw, due to upped cards. (Standard: 1 Upped Pillar = -1% of a bad draw. Upped Card = -0.5-1% of a bad draw. (Depends if the upped version is lower cost.))
Your deck has about a 72% chance of a bad draw/starting hand. Having it upgraded completely would take tens of thousand of electrum, and it will still have about a 45% chance of a bad draw/bad hand.
The average deck for a new player is sloppy, misguided. Unless it's from the forums by a well-tested individual, or you got extremely lucky, the deck will be terrible sometimes, and 'decent' on others.
Rushes have low chances of a bad draw. For instance: 14 bone pillar, 6 poison, 4 bone dragons, 6 mummies (My personal deck.) Low chance of a bad draw, unless you get all creatures for your starting hand. GREAT chances of recovering. Personally, the one I use has a 90% win rate on AI3. Liturally. It's the actual fastest rush ever for AI3, by the study.
Any questions?