Wow, some pretty nice CHAAAAARGES in here already!
(This will bring severe pvp2-pawnage to the game from my side in the next weeks.
@ Unit: Been thinking over the dark-deck you posted. Indeed, it wasn't really a charge ... I kind of wondered however why especially dark seems to get played a little chargey all the time. I never used it myself so far but whenever I face a (mono) dark it's all sitting and waiting with a handful devourers until suddenly a bunch of dragons, vamps and stillettos enter the field. Maybe it's just an impression though.
@ Nume: Funny enough Fractal-Charger is really not a Charge-deck, at least not by default.
My experience is that chargers are much too expensive to mass-cast them in this build. Also, I would say you are better off playing them as they come, steadily increasing your dmg-output instead of explosively.
You are right though, it can be played as a charge and probably deserves and honorary spot due to its theme and name