First of all i'd like to say hello to all fellow players.
I've stumbled over this game some days ago and i've been playing it quite a bit ever since, especially while i listen in to a stream or do something at the same time.(My current deck, since ''Sorry, you are not allowed to post external links'' is 14 aether pillar, 6 immortals, 4 dragons, 6 dimensional and a lobotomizer - the other one is one of those centered on the light dragon, with parallel universe + 5/-5 buff, momentum and 2 x airborne dmg)
Anyway, i have two accounts, both between 100-150 games played, most of them againts level 2-3, and recently been seeing some succes with bronze arena and 4, managed to kill a few forbidden gods.What i need is a solid upgrading path for my aether deck, which is one from the newbie decks, with the immortals/dragons/dimensional shield centered.I've been very happy with it, but ofcourse some decks flat out counter me.
While i am aware any deck has solid counters, or at least strugle vs others, i would really appreciate if someone would tell me what to add and which cards to upgrade first (i currently have enough for 2 upgrades) Haven't had that much luck in arena, or maybe i did, idk, usually got to 3 in a row then lost, but managed get to 5 about 3-4 times, i read somewhere that shards are valuable, as of now i only have the Serendipity one, also an arctic squid, a rare fate egg and arsenic.
What i noticed that counters me, is usually deflagration/steal decks that destroy my shield, and i've been thinking of making an aether/darkness deck with someone's help.At least from what i saw, people tend to have very few deflagrations in their decks, and if it's a pc than i can just bait them out early and hope they don't have more or stucked at the bottom.Also, very annoying are the gravity/earth ones that give momentum buff, but since i got my lobotomizer sometimes i manage to guard vs them.Reaaaaaally annoying are the light, heavy focused on healing, and that Hope shield that renders me useless and ends in a Menu withdrawal, same as the nature/water that spams heals for every card, that is the main reason i'd tend to a deck with steal, so i can remove those game ending shields.
Ofcourse, of someone would have a better idea for a fund eck with good success, i'd be happy to hear it, especially if it has the arsenic in it, since i managed to get 1 on both accounts.Also would be interested in one of the light decks that's been beating me constantly, with a bit of guidance as to what to upgrade first.
Sorry for the read, maybe i seem a little lazy for not snooping more in the forum threads, but hopefully someone would be willing to help my exact needs with current information, i will appreciate it.