Hi. First of all, the first games against False Goods are hard, because until you have played a lot of times, you don't know how to play against every one of them. The hards goods are only beatable with a fully upgraded deck. I would suggest you to play sometimes level 5 and sometimes FG to don't get so much "frustated".
Then, at first only "easy" good are beatable: Firequeen,Destiny, Ferox, Miracle, Neptune, Incarnate, maybe Chaos Lord(he's very random) and Geminis, because they don't have permanent control. So I will quit both enchant artifacts, because I think that you will lose against Seism and Hermes and others with and without the enchant artifacts, and against easy goods is a useless card, and you first want to grind these goods until you can upgrade more.
I also quit one eternity, it's only useful at the end of the game, early in the game you won't have the quanta to use it.
Also I will quit one steal, you need to set up as fast as possible and steal is only a "complementary" card, is not part of the lock.
And finally, you can add to the deck 2-4 Time pillars/towers, to speed the deck allowing to use electrum hourglass quicky and more often.