Yup, you can't afford owl's eyes summon AND ability cost on just your mark. If you could upgrade those flying weapons to animate weapons, I'd recommend you switch your mark to gravity for the pulverizor.
Drop 2 flying weapons and the owl's eye. Replace with earth pillars. Diamond shield is expensive. Get rid of the enchant artifact. Its only use in your deck would be to protect the pulverizor, since morning glories are immortal, and even if you were to draw both the enchant artifact and pulverizor, you'd have to decide when to play them, because once you do, you can't fly the pulverizor or it will become targetable, but if you don't you can't play+fly more morning stars (following me so far?)
I think this would work better in a larger ~40-card deck with more earth pillars and some stone skins (synergize beautifully with miracles).
Interesting deck, need more earth pillars and drop the owl's eye.
Nice job, thanks for posting, hope this helps!